Saturday, April 30, 2011

Audi A3 Jetta Sport Wagon Compare

Grabación.Recapitulación and mixed reviews.

R ecapitulando: the case that had many songs dozing at the bottom of memory, while one part play The Dancing Cansinos versions and the other I was going to record a song that was already, as it was for many years, plastic. For Seth and all the demons exclaimed, why not record some of those songs that come to bother me during the long nights of winter? It takes time and effort, there's no problem, and, of course, money. Money is a formidable foe. I remembered a few immortal lines from The Iliad: At least not die without effort and without glory, but after a feat whose fame reaches men future! Do not exaggerate, I hope to take several years to die but do not know if I'll the mood to record later. Nor do I believe that my "prowess" to be remembered but a part, now or never and other fun in the process thought. After talking with the study, I chose four songs, rehearsed, arranged, and other matters relevant to the case.

So a blue moon I got up at three, worked until eight "of bravery", I came home, took some, I took my acoustic guitar bought in 1980 and the bus. I have almost 50 years and I'll record the study by bus, what to say more. At slaughter, the guidelines not to be missed with the metronome, several speakers by topic, with a Fender Precision bass that was there and then the lead vocal. After four hours had ended and I returned home on foot with his guitar in tow. I need another session and I hope everything goes well, the end of the remainder are electric guitars, it is assumed that my real field. To conclude the matter Serch I have begged me to make some vocal harmonies to disguise a little my way of singing sui generis.

The songs are:

Margarita Rosario , I wrote in 1987, a few weeks after meeting Rosarete, which rhymes with 87. I picked up the guitar, I got on a train and next to a canal that runs through the village, the girl sang it alluded. She did not know whether to kiss me or call the police. The next song I did after this was the green dog, so it was like a part of the dialogue. He was part of the repertoire of the Ravens, what we did was to start slowly and gradually accelerating every dominant chord. This is unorthodox and rather difficult to combine, so what I did was go up the pitch to try to get the same effect. Every word of the letter was true then and shone on me like a charcoal ember.

Life will smile written about domestic violence and an atmosphere fifties, came out almost at a stretch when he left my sister. Not that she suffered this, I started talking about a separation and the desire to re-start but the constant news about domestic terrorism took me to that point. It's the hottest topic of these four and I've put here a few times. An American I met on YouTube made its own version and loved it. The episode ended in the elevator, where the ex-husband stabbed the poor girl who tries to rebuild his life after a marriage full of abuses but Rosarete said, "what gives life sucks", so I added a final verse with some hope and , for once, I liked more. During the first months, every one came to me while I was hanging the guitar was "suffering" to the touch and if I have to confide in what they told me they told me they liked.

I forget thee, I composed it when my daughter was young and I taped a test on the multitrack. I did not like but my daughter told me to always put her again, so I paid some attention and at the end, although it remains about the same, I took care. As yet unnamed, a song I wrote for The Ravens and was on his Mini-LP, is an exercise when you speak and the words give you away. As that in the world that there are three kinds of people, who can count and those who do not count. The character of the song says that the girl has forgotten entirely despite searching his memories but he knows perfectly where he met her, the discs being purchased by it, the books he read for his advice, the cinema where they were. .. It's a fast song with a certain country and I I am striving to achieve a good sound with the guitars, well, the latter in all, elementary my dear Watson.

Never Go dancing would be the next chapter of Rare As A Green Dog, when he, the character, nor cares to know girls, knowing that everything is doomed to failure . Of all the songs I've written, it may be my favorite, perhaps because the chord sequence and has a slightly jazzy, a genre that is not even touching the tip of the fingers. I'm even ashamed to sing it because it is an issue that I recorded with Morcillo and comparisons are odious, always compared to one in this case I am, of course. Singing so bad that I can not nor "bad singer" but right now I do not have anyone to do better than me and want to. At the end of the day I'm a fan of Bob Dylan and Sam Cooke, but, unfortunately for me, singing closer to first than the latter. If someone does not like, sorry but it is what it is.

Well, keep reporting.


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